The New Home Grown
Me? Grow Food?
Yes. You. There is a Jamaican saying that goes something like, "A person who knows better does better." This may be the moment we find out that growing food is easier than we thought. The rewards are many – greater food safety, availability, and peace of mind, for starters.
Really, don't you need to really need to know what you are doing?
Before our founder did a ton of research over the past couple of months she would have answered that question with an emphatic "yes". But not now.
She discovered there has been a lot of innovation in how vegetables, herbs, and fruit are grown. And she found two companies that stand out in the innovative world of vertical gardening or farming. Their products make growing your own vegetables(and more) tons more user-friendly.
Now, along with these two, WorkingWonders™ is advocating for vertical growing becoming an integral part of home life. Whether you call it hydroponic, aeroponic, or simply growing vertical, WorkingWonders™ sees it as part of a better future.
WorkingWonders™ is now offering the best of the best vertical growing products so you can get started on your path to becoming a passionate vertical grower.
We Went First
BethAnn, the founder of WorkingWonders with about zero gardening or farming experience, has already embarked on her own vertical farming adventure and will be providing her story and progress updates.
WorkingWonders Top Picks for Vertical Farming Product Makers are Tower Garden and FarmStand
What makes the following companies the best of the best?
1. The technology they use has been engineered and perfected over time to provide people with healthy delicious food.
2. The products both work and are aesthetically pleasing (people love looking and living them!)
3. Both companies have a vision and mission that WorkingWonders has also got behind Simply put, it is that every person has access to safe, nutritious, and delicious food.